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Why is the price wrong?
Why is the price wrong?

The prices on RxSpark are updated frequently and should be accurate, but if you think you were charged the wrong price please let us know.

Brandon Swift avatar
Written by Brandon Swift
Updated over 5 years ago

Oh dear - we strive to provide accurate prices so you always get the best Rx deal! Please let us know what is wrong so we can fix it. Before sending us a correction, please note:
Prescription prices may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy and are subject to change. The pricing estimates given are based on the most recent information available and may change based on when you actually fill your prescription at the pharmacy. The day supply is based upon the average dispensing patterns or the specific drug and strength. The Program, as well as the prices and the list of covered drugs, can be modified at any time without notice.

Coupons are not eligible to be used alongside an insurance plan or Medicare plan.

Please double-check the latest prices by searching for your drug on or using our mobile app, and ensure that the voucher you used matches (in form (ex. tablet, capsule, etc.), strength (10mg, 20mg, etc.), and quantity) to what you received from the pharmacist.
If there does ineed appear to be a pricing error after double-checking, please use our Contact Us page to let us know and we'll work to get to the bottom of it!
Thank you!

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